Monday, March 8, 2010

Exploration 2

My second observation was very brief. I was able to visit with Officers Evans and Shifty and ask them a few questions. I asked them each the same question at the same time and their question were the same but differ at the same time. It was fun to watch them interact while in public but not in uniform. They still watched people. It was quite impressive as they answered every question and never missed a beat but at the same time I could tell that they were observing the people around. They would nudge each other if they saw someone “suspicious”. They didn’t do anything besides have a quick laugh over it. It was a short meeting but a fun one.
It wasn’t as easy for me. I didn’t tell them that I was observing them and interviewing them at the same time. I found it difficult to write two different things at the same time and get everything in. I ended up throwing away my observation notes half way through and just tried to commit what I could to memory. But those 2 were never missed a beat they watched people and answered every question that I asked. In my first observation I went to a fast food place with Officer Evans and it was fun to watch every one and how they acted around him we laughed a bit about it later. When they are in uniform regardless of the place, everyone is on pins and needles. But when they are not in uniform and look like a regular Joe no one thinks twice about them.

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